Islam itu Indah...

Berjalan meniti laluan hikmah...

Hey World!

Hey world!
I'm walking in a strange path now
but i'm sure where to go,
and the road looks so bright,
brighter than the light of hope,
it is full of tears,
pain and misery,
better than the other road,
a big and joyful road,
full of happiness, greed and dishonest,
no wonder why the call it heaven on the road,

But world...
the road that i take,
make be feel very small, fool and bad,
it makes me know myself,
now that i know myself,
i'm a bad person,
with weak heart,
full of anger,
guided by sorrow,

sometimes i feel so tired,
very-very tired,
because the path that i take,
makes me become a man,
makes me see what i'm holding on my back,
guest what?!
I'm walking with a big job now,
and they pay me with equanimity,
with goodness to myself
tell me world!
is there anyone on the globe that can pay me with that?
sure there's no one!
not even a single soul!

Hey world!
don't care how many people stand in front of me,
i will fight to the first line;
and i want to be the first one,
to die on the first line,
I will!


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Salam Ukhuwah Fillah

Kita bukan yang memulakan islam...
Bukan juga yang mengakhirkan islam...
Kita cuma manusia yang berada di tengah-tengah...
yang hanya menyambung sedikit tali perjuangan islam...
dan bila tiba masanya, akan di sambung oleh manusia lain...
buatlah yang terbaik, kerana jika engkau leka...
Allah akan gantikan dengan manusia lain...


